Live True To You
If you’ve been in the self help book section, then you know the adage that everyone has a choice……..but if you don’t know your options do you really have a choice? I don’t think you do. The thing is......what and where are your choices. Is this where affirmations and focussing on the glass-half-full come in......? Now, don't get me wrong, it's...
Read MoreThis is so true BUT so often completely misunderstood. Take the vegan activist movement for example. They're making their own rules, rules about entry onto other peoples property, rules about taking animals out of their confines, rules about aggressively challenging people who choose to eat meat or choose to raise animals for fo...
Read MoreFly through life, not because you have to, but because you can. I love to swim. Butterfly is my favourite stroke. Just because it’s the one that feels the most like a dolphin. If I want to feel the water glide past as fast as I can make it, then I swim Freestyle. But if I want to feel like a dolphin or a mermaid I swim Butterfly.
Read MoreYou’re brought up to get a good education, get a good job, buy a house, get a better job, buy another house, and somewhere in amongst all of that fall in love, get married, have kids and love them like your life depends on it, whilst buying more houses, keeping your job and building your retirement portfolio.
Read MoreConnecting into the spirit of the sporting club makes you feel like the team can do and be more, that you belong, that there is a purpose to being together, that great things are possible, that you’re all in it together. It feels exhilarating, exciting, it feels like the people are bonded together by a unseen glue that somehow communicates between...
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